• one bite you may get the bitter taste of chocolate

    another one, the sweet strawberry

    next bite, you feel the smoothness of vanilla

    followed by the tangy durian

    finalized by tender taste of avocado

    like what we experience in life, we’ll get one bite of every sweet and bitterness. it's the flavour of life...

Have you ever worked with someone so full of himself, he wouldn't take any suggestion from you?
Well, I have. In fact, I am currently working with him as a team. He never share anything he knew, even made decision without telling me.
Not trying to be femme here, but darn, it's a team of two. When one of the members decides to think and acts by himself, it's a big problem. That's not what a team means, is it?
Let's see, if this continues, I really need to talk to him personally before this go on our way and becomes a big problem later.