I always consider myself as "paper-like" person, means you can easily see my emotions just by looking at me. And my friends know that.
So it's a disadvantage for me when I have to face client on location and has to make a conversation, especially when the clients talks about something boring, something I really hate to talk about, or worse, something which makes me speechless, don't know how to response. And the worst part of it, many of the clients are like that.
I mean they always ramble about safety (which I know is important, but hey! 2 hours talking about safety without stopping cannot make your work even more safe). Or talk about how they would enjoy work for my company instead (duh, please). Or just completely silent. Darn XD
"Err Pak, silahkan lho dimakan dan diminum hidangannya"
"Wah, saya baru makan... Nanti aja"
"Udah lama pak kerja di ****?"
"Oh sudah, sudah, saya sudah bekerja 25 tahun."
"Ooo *manggut-manggut*"
"Asli mana pak?" [pertanyaan standar yang pasti keluar kalo udah bingung mo ngomong apa]
"Asli Sumbar dek."
"Ooo, kemarin gempa kena ngga?"
And continue like that until finally...
"Err, Pak, saya permisi dulu ya, saya mau belajar caranya ngelog yang sigma ini [ngemeng tentang hal yang pasti dia nggak ngerti] jadi lain kali saya bisa ngelog sendiri, hehe."
But I left my friend continued to chat with him, for more than 2 hours straight. Oh man, how I admire him (by him, I mean my friend) for his enthusiasm. I mean, it's just so hard keeping your interest-look while u're actually hoping for the conversation to end. *clap clap*
I know that we should "entertain" the client, but still. Or should I start to think like my friend, that in this business we are also paid for our "lip service"?
Good News & Bad News
4 weeks ago
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